

Monday, April 30

Battlestar Galactica's Relationship With Iraq

I have mentioned Galactica's relationship with Iraq and 9/11 before, and that I believe that it is actually more profound than the fabled relationship that 24 has with 9/11.
However, in light of 24 being seen as so 'non-post-9/11' by forum members than Battlestar Galactica must be evaluated in the same way. Therefore...
If 24 is simply drawing from age old conventions within Hollywood. So if 24 comes from the 'True Lies' tradition, could Battlestar be from the lineage that started in '70's disaster movies (and included Planet of the Apes) right up to more recent fare such as 'The Day After Tomorrow'.
Battlestar indeed has similarities to disaster movies; following a rag tag band of survivors battling to flee a disaster that has wiped out most of their compatriots. In line with modern disaster films it has a distinct apocalyptic feel, in that it portrays the destruction of humanity as we know it.
However it is undeniable that much of Battlestar is influenced by 9/11. From the wall of pictures, reminiscent of the 'shrines' that popped up around lower Manhattan after the attacks to the torture of prisoners that underpins much of the human/cylon relationship.

Because I can't find any pictures of videos of any toruture (other than Gauis, a human, being torutred in a video I posted earlier), this video of Galactica going head on with the ships from Star Trek.

It may be some form of 'nerdvana'.

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